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PUBG Update 6.2 is now live!

Let's introduce you to you an amazing and exciting map to jump into. Now, they are providing the new arcade mode to play on, the first go. It starts with the DEATHMATCH that would allow all the PUBG players to take upon each other.
It is available in 7 different, better oriented and aligned maps, Unlike the typical battle royal mode in this one you will respawn really quick after you enter the game again you will be invincible and will be with the same equipment that one took before also away from enemies as much as possible.
No need to search weapons, one can change weapon at the time of map selection. Blood effect visibility is updated for the long-range headshots. 

The adjusted implementation might help the right peekage and for perfect shots.
Parachute drop update is also changed one can directly guide the leader where to drop on the ground and much more. The package plane will also move faster.
Loot update is already available that allows more of the meds and less of the useless weapons[DMR's,  SR's] as it would be a death freak mode.
Throwables will damage and their efficiency has been increased by 50% (According to me a frag grenade will be able to knock you out if thrown perfectly).
The blue zone effect is also updated it will be clearer so that the player can easily see through it.
Update 6.2 is out so guys weapons loaded and let's battle.


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